How To Defeat Antares Homeworld?

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How To Defeat Antares Homeworld?

Postby Yxklyx » Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:10 pm

How do you defeat these guys?

It's really late in the game - I'm at the end of nearly every field tree. My best armor is just Zortrium though and no Battle Pods. I've got all the Beams. No BHG. Shields are useless. I'm facing 1 BB, 2 Cruisers and 3 Destroyers plus their base. Every different ship design I've tried for the last 100 turns has failed. Don't have Titan but I do have Doom Star. What can defeat them?

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Postby Yxklyx » Fri Jun 22, 2007 6:51 am

Finally found something:

Zortrium - No Shields
Cybertronic Computer
5 Auto Firing Disruptors

Phasing Cloak
Structural Analyzer

Sent 30 of these but it was overkill. My Race had +50 attack (from a Mutation pick) and a Leader that gave +37 Attack/Damage.

I moved them up to the starbase one by one - took that out at point blank range and then finished off the rest.

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Postby Time » Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:02 pm

You could steal other techs from whatever races are still left on your map (I usually do this earlier)
Hard Shields prevent shield piercing.
So, a Doom Star with a Class X Shield with Hard Shields and Shield Capacitors would very effective. (Multi-Phasic too, if you have the room)

I usually have something like this:
Assuming, you don't have the Orion techs:

Titans and Doom Stars with Admantium Armor, Class X Shields, and Molectronic Computer.

Heavy Plasmacannons (FA)
Regular Plasmacannons (FX), 1 as 360
Stellar Converter (for the Star Fortress and BB)
Time Warp Facilitator to double your attacks.
Stasis Field Generator (to freeze a ship you can't destroy that round)

1) Automated Repair Unit
2) Battle Pods
3) Battle Scanner {or Hard Shields (on Stellar Converter Ships)}
4) Reinforced Hull
5) Heavy Armor
6) Shield Capacitor
7) Structural Analyzer
8) Time Warp Facilitator

Whatever you don't research, you have to steal (Heavy Armor for example)

And my preferred choice for Evolutionary Mutation is Warlord (if not chosen as an initial pick).
Usually, with enough ships with Mole Comp, you will have enough weapon hits, that the +50 Attk choice, is wasted.
Not to mention, Stellar Converters, Stasis Field Generators, and perhaps a few maulers, all of which automattically hit.

Like you found out, Numbers on your side will usually win.
Though, I do have a friend who beat them with just 1 Doom Star only.
MOO1 Fan, MOO2 Fan, MOO3 needed too many changes = hopeless, getting older waiting for a MOO4 (still).

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Postby marhawkman » Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:06 pm

I once beat them by hijacking all their stuff. :p

you have to have an UBER ground combat ability though. It was a nifty challenge. :D

Oh and any ship with good defenses and multiple stellar converters can do it.

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Postby Yxklyx » Mon Jun 25, 2007 2:23 pm

What are the techs needed to improve your ship troop strength? I assume that techs like Anti-Grav Harness and Powered Armor don't help. The best two are just Plasma Rifle (+30) and the best armor you can get, right? Leaders are invaluable I suppose - and being Bulrathi.

I made some attempts at this but they blow up their ship as you're about to take it. Death Rays hardly affect them. Are there any other weapons that can kill marines?

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Postby marhawkman » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:28 pm

What are the techs needed to improve your ship troop strength? I assume that techs like Anti-Grav Harness and Powered Armor don't help. The best two are just Plasma Rifle (+30) and the best armor you can get, right? Leaders are invaluable I suppose - and being Bulrathi.

I made some attempts at this but they blow up their ship as you're about to take it. Death Rays hardly affect them. Are there any other weapons that can kill marines?
Actually antigrav harness and Powered armor DO help. Armor techs help. Stuff like Plasma rifle helps. and the racial bonus. there's a LOT of one-off techs that help too. Stuff like Personal shield and that sort of thing.

Contrary to popular belief, the Antarans DON'T have a racial bonus to ground combat. they just have ALL the techs that improve ground combat, including Xentronium.

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Postby Yxklyx » Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:51 pm

What are the techs needed to improve your ship troop strength? I assume that techs like Anti-Grav Harness and Powered Armor don't help. The best two are just Plasma Rifle (+30) and the best armor you can get, right? Leaders are invaluable I suppose - and being Bulrathi.

I made some attempts at this but they blow up their ship as you're about to take it. Death Rays hardly affect them. Are there any other weapons that can kill marines?
Actually antigrav harness and Powered armor DO help. Armor techs help. Stuff like Plasma rifle helps. and the racial bonus. there's a LOT of one-off techs that help too. Stuff like Personal shield and that sort of thing.

Contrary to popular belief, the Antarans DON'T have a racial bonus to ground combat. they just have ALL the techs that improve ground combat, including Xentronium.
Let's see:

Plasma Rifle +30
Personal Shield +20
Powered Armor +10
Anti Grav Harness + 10

+70 is the max?

Do Battleoids help as well?

It seemed to me the Antarans had a +76 last time I boarded them.

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Postby Time » Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:05 pm

Don't forget the Race Picks, that is what makes the Bulrathi so great.

+20 Ground Combat
Heavy Gravity gives 1 extra hit per troop unit
Subteranean gives a +10 GC for defending your planets too.
Warlord will give you twice the number of units from Marine Barracks and Armored Barracks.

And the armor type itself: Admantium is the best armor we can research.
If you capture Orion, you can even get Xentronium armor, which is what the Antarans have.

Also, Other Antaran tech are more effective against those weapons.
"The Damper Field will block any marine casualties caused by Neutron
Blasters and Death Rays.", a quote from the readme.txt file.
MOO1 Fan, MOO2 Fan, MOO3 needed too many changes = hopeless, getting older waiting for a MOO4 (still).

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Postby marhawkman » Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:56 pm

Let's see:

Plasma Rifle +30
Personal Shield +20
Powered Armor +10
Anti Grav Harness + 10

+70 is the max?

Do Battleoids help as well?
I think so.
It seemed to me the Antarans had a +76 last time I boarded them.
76? Almost everytime I do battle they have a flat 100 (in normal difficulty). At Antares they have a Leader on their starbase that ups it to around 115 or 120.

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Postby Cabman » Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:23 pm

You forgot that armour also adds bonus to gc ( trit +10 zort +15, neutr. +20, ada. +25 and xenot. +30 iirc) so....when you add leader skills, race bonuses and techs mentioned earlier it can be much above 100 .

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Postby marhawkman » Sat Jun 30, 2007 3:45 pm

You forgot that armour also adds bonus to gc ( trit +10 zort +15, neutr. +20, ada. +25 and xenot. +30 iirc) so....when you add leader skills, race bonuses and techs mentioned earlier it can be much above 100 .
Erm.. actually i was saying that ANtarans have 100 in Normal difficulty.

It's surprisingly easy for a creative race to have well over 100.

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