Durable ships/bases/planets idea

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Joined:Wed Dec 24, 2008 11:20 am
Durable ships/bases/planets idea

Postby zitro » Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:06 pm

For anyone modding the game, I suggest an idea to increase the hit points of planets, star bases/battlestations/star fortress, and all ships so that ships which start first don't annihilate everything.

_Titanium: 150%
_Tritanium: 350%
_Improved Tritanium (used in some mods) : 600%
_Zortrium: 800%
_Neutronium: 1300%
_Adamantium: 2000%

Shields: twice as strong.

Planetary shields: absorb 8/16/32 damage, making you focus on neutronium bombs (which should damage more: all the popular mods improve bombs)


Joined:Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:26 pm

Don't think so

Postby c'g~ » Sun Dec 28, 2008 6:19 am

Balance, balance, balance... It's not as simple how it looks.

You have nice intentions, zitro (I saw your post in DC Mod thread). However, do you consider the fact, that Siron (and everione who related to DC Mod) are well seasoned players and already have discussed balance to death?

Armor/Shield fortification in that proportions: don't think so. MoO2 has a VEEEERYYY long MP games already, eventually they will be even longer with those chages because space battles will take ages to resolve.

Although many modifications have significant tweaks in that area. Check them out.


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