Master of Orion - The Role-Playing Game

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Akito Yagami
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Master of Orion - The Role-Playing Game

Postby Akito Yagami » Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:28 am

I noticed there is no Off-topic or Misc Thread so I apologize if this is in the wrong place. I just wanted to share my creation with fellow Master of Orion fans
-Akito Yagami-

Sure we've all thought about it, and sometimes being the ruler isn't as exciting as what could actually be happening on the frontlines in the battle field of the Orion Universe.

So I've taken it upon myself to fan-create a Table Top, Pen & Paper Role-Playing game. It is based loosely on the Tri-Stat system and functions mainly on d12's.

As of right now I've done the rules for Basic Hand-to-Hand combat and the Races. but I'm currently working on Ship-to-Ship combat as well as Ship Types, Planet Types and Planet Sizes.

Obviously the MoO Universe has alot of explore from the adventure's point of view and being able to create a unique party makes things that much more interesting.

The idea originaly hit me when I was playing MoO2 a few years ago and I noticed that the Leaders you hire, are alot like your little party of Hero's who Help maintain planets, or attack enemies.

Obviously this game focuses more on exploration and adventure then taking over the universe as the PC Game does.

People may be asking why I decided to set it in Master of Orion 2 Period. One it is personaly my favorite game (MoO3 really disappointed me although it had alot of good story ideas). It also is after the Dark Age of the universe (MoO1) And during a time of Galactic Renaissance so to speak (New Races emerging and old races evolving).


Also to those who want to keep up with how the progress of the game goes I've created a blog for the game so please feel free to visit it

'Master of Orion - The Role-Playing Game' Game Status Blog

And on another note please visit Arioch's Page to see some of the art I'll be using. Arioch's Gallery. Also don't forget to view his web comic Outsider. It's been a big source of inspiration as far as the feel of the game.

Outsider Webcomic


A bit of teaser really for the alpha release of the Master of Orion RPG. so tada, the Offical Character Sheet.

Nothing too fancy as of yet but it really is something I feel proud of.


Character Sheet

Ship Sheet

Note: the webspace I am using is currently Geocities so if your having problems downloading the character sheet drag and drop the link into your address bar.

If you Still have problems let me know and I will try to work something out.


But I would like a little feedback from the Community.

- Possible Ship/Planet schematics or designs would be most helpful

- Fanart and In Game art, I haven't been able to take in game screen shots of MoO2 (ala the Print Screen > Paint Method). So anything would be great!

-As well as any Feed back and/or encouragement.

If your interested in Helping please let me know.

Thank you all in Advance
-Akito Yagami-

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Postby siron » Fri Aug 05, 2005 9:05 am

Heh. Last time I played such a game.......I was teenager. Remember that I played such game during the whole vacation in Denmark with my buddies there.
With the right atmosphere surely quite nice (dark autumn and long nights near danish beach).

Sadly, all my Moo-LAN-buddies live in different cities now. So I guess I have noone to test your game. But I will ask my nephews. ;)

@ Screenshots: I also tried this recently..(with this method which is succesful for moo1: ) success so far. I am also interested..(win-version is prolly easier). When you just want the fanart:

there are several tools i guess. One of them was lbxplorer (but the beta was very buggy) and it was never finished AFAIK.

Here is another tool (but i havent tested it), someone posted it on the board:
The tool is so far ready for use, BUT
you need an C++ compiler and the SDL libary installed...
And it is for viewing Images only. I think it is possible to write an converter from jpg to the MOO2 file format, but I won't do it, cause I'm not interessed in modding the game...
So if you wanna try it out
Have fun

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Akito Yagami
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Postby Akito Yagami » Fri Aug 05, 2005 4:56 pm

Thanks for the help but the forums aren't working a pit really I'd love to have the lbx explorer

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Akito Yagami
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Postby Akito Yagami » Sat Aug 06, 2005 4:26 am

Just decided to post the cover in hopes to gain more responses

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Postby ALEX|D » Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:19 am

I like RPGs too.

Diablo I & II r great games :D

The MoO-RPG-Game is going to be a "Pen&Paper-Game" ?
Do u plan to make a kind of Browser-Game, to play over the inet with other Players ?

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Lord Brazen
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Postby Lord Brazen » Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:28 pm

Hi Akito,

Welcome to our forum.

I have to say, you've got my attention. I've been quietly poking around your blog site in hopes of giving your game a try.

From your site, I notice your having some troubles finding some free hosting:

Until webspace can be availble The public release is on Hiatus. Sadly we were hoping on getting some feedback but it looks like we'll have to wait.
How big are the file(s)? Maybe I can suggest something.
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Akito Yagami
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Postby Akito Yagami » Sat Sep 10, 2005 8:09 pm

I thank you for the concern but we have released an Alpha Version by removing some of the graphics (not to mention arioch's beautiful artwork) But I really would like to get feed back from the community before thinking about a final release.

[Alpha 0.2] Master of Orion - The Role-Playing Game

Can-ned Food
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Another take on the idea, perhaps?

Postby Can-ned Food » Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:01 pm

I have always thought of MoOII as being very deep and beautifully represented (artwork, music, and fun). Things like Heros and the GNN, for example, give the impression that there is much more going on beneath the surface of an Emperor's duties.
So, to me, that's what a MoO RPG would be: an extension of the gameplay for the original game. A more elaborate version of the game, not really a simplification of the game into d12.
Aside from a computer game, I'm not sure how one could create such a thing

I'm mentioning this, not to criticize, but because this seemed an appropriate place for someone else to take the idea, if they like it.

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Akito Yagami
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Re: Another take on the idea, perhaps?

Postby Akito Yagami » Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:59 am

I have always thought of MoOII as being very deep and beautifully represented (artwork, music, and fun). Things like Heros and the GNN, for example, give the impression that there is much more going on beneath the surface of an Emperor's duties.
So, to me, that's what a MoO RPG would be: an extension of the gameplay for the original game. A more elaborate version of the game, not really a simplification of the game into d12.
Aside from a computer game, I'm not sure how one could create such a thing

I'm mentioning this, not to criticize, but because this seemed an appropriate place for someone else to take the idea, if they like it.
Heh how do you know how Simplified I made it? Just because I mentioned a d12? As I recall I don't think you've read a public release or my notes that have yet to be typed up. How can you fully make that comment even if it's not meant as criticism if you haven't fully read up on the topic?

I'm dorry but I do find this very rude. I have put a great great deal of thought into everything in this game. The MoO universe was something I grew up with (Master of Orion I on my first 486, then Master of Orion II on my Upgraded P2). I would not butcher something I love so much and I would certainly not "Simplfy" it as you put it.

Can-ned Food
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Re: Another take on the idea, perhaps?

Postby Can-ned Food » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:54 pm

Yes, I apologize. My post didn't really say what I meant, and "simplified" was the wrong word to use anyway.

I'll start over, so there's no hard feelings. I did briefly read the alpha release, and reading it again, I have no intention of claiming that your RPG is simple, or doesn't look fun. It looks very fun. Thanks for taking initiative to work out a system for role-playing in the MoO universe.
When I think of MoO, I think chiefly in terms of galactic empires. Not strategy, necessarily, but diplomatic intrigue, politics, war, and so on.
What I really meant to say about your RPG is that: The "party of explorers" concept in typical RPG is not exactly what I was expecting for a MoO RPG, as silly as that may sound. It's not bad, and quite possible in the MoO universe, but would be difficult to implement the galactic empires aspects of MoO unless the RPG were something like Avalon or a comparable MUD.

I hope I didn't sound even more rude, because I wouldn't want to alienate anyone for this.

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Akito Yagami
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Re: Another take on the idea, perhaps?

Postby Akito Yagami » Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:04 am

Yes, I apologize. My post didn't really say what I meant, and "simplified" was the wrong word to use anyway.

I'll start over, so there's no hard feelings. I did briefly read the alpha release, and reading it again, I have no intention of claiming that your RPG is simple, or doesn't look fun. It looks very fun. Thanks for taking initiative to work out a system for role-playing in the MoO universe.
When I think of MoO, I think chiefly in terms of galactic empires. Not strategy, necessarily, but diplomatic intrigue, politics, war, and so on.
What I really meant to say about your RPG is that: The "party of explorers" concept in typical RPG is not exactly what I was expecting for a MoO RPG, as silly as that may sound. It's not bad, and quite possible in the MoO universe, but would be difficult to implement the galactic empires aspects of MoO unless the RPG were something like Avalon or a comparable MUD.

I hope I didn't sound even more rude, because I wouldn't want to alienate anyone for this.
Oh trust me it's far from a Typical Dungeons & Dragons "So you guys walk into a spaceport and a fight breaks out". I tend to keep as far away from this as possible! In fact once this new release comes around hopefully after thanksgiving, I should be able to Include adventure ideas, some of which consist of Spy Games, Explorations of new Planets and systems, protecting a colony during a battle between empires, etc.

The basic concept I had in mind is, in the MoO the PC games you play as the galactic ruler who issues these commands. In the RPG you are going to be the Soldiers attacking enemy, the researchers attempting to figure out alien technology, Space Pirates raiding an empire's treasury, and the Spies blending into an enemy society to sabatoge an empire's motives.

consequently I left the system Simple on purpose to be flexible to accomidate any style of game play. if the GM wants to do a Hack & Slash kill monsters, It can do that. If he wants to run an indepth diplomatic game where the characters are ambassadors negotiating treaties, it can do that as well.

Just wait with the new Release you will see alot more information and see the MoO world start taking shape.

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