Real star maps?

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Joined:Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:10 pm
Real star maps?

Postby RecycledElectrons » Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:24 pm

1. Space is not 2-D. Any "realistic" space colonization game needs to be 3-D.

2. Astronomers are finding new planets and stars constantly.

3. Free star maps are posted all over the Internet giving polar vectors (angle and distance) the these stars and their likely planets.

So, I suggest a modified version of MOO2 in which we use real star maps in a 3-D space. This would be really cool with the phone-enabled VR headsets that seem to be coming out.

Various probabilities can be toggled by the player to make the game randomly generate different kinds of galaxies.

I know it would be a major rewrite, but it would let me suspend my disbelief and think this is what might really be out there. It would also make some geek news headlines.

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