endgame designs

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endgame designs

Postby hyperios » Sun Jan 28, 2007 6:06 am

This blog space is intended entirely for reference purposes. I do not wish for these designs to be copied, but only that they serve as a building block for one's imagination concerning the creation of an extremely powerful ship. Though, if these designs are copied, I do not care, for if I was to confront you in a good game, I would know how to counter your/my ships and systematically destroy them.
These are some designs I have been working on for years, and I have just now comprised an organized description of them. I originally found my self tinkering with petty systems such as automated repair unit, bombs, heavy armor, disruptors, and shields. But after extensive battles with my father and the intuition to think of how these designs can be countered, I have come to this conclusion of designs. Let us imagine first that you are in the "golden age" of the game, you have researched, stolen, or captured all the technologies, including all the antaren weapons and systems, and are creating ships that are meant to crush your rich and bloated enemy and eventually conquer the galaxy. Warning: these designs have never been tested on people I do not know. If anybody finds faults within them, please email me your opinion. My email address is d_y_a123420@yahoo.com. Now, enough ranting, and on to the designs.

The designs will be in order of weapons, offensive systems, support systems, defensive systems, and tactically flexible systems, and then a description of the ship's tactical application. You will not see me using phasing cloak, but I do know how to build a superior stealth ship and I also know how to counter one. But, I will give a couple designs at the end of the blog for your interest. Note: all empty space not used by the main weapons (give or take a weapon or two) is filled with point defense phasors.

Stellar converter
Achilles targeting unit
Structural analyzer
Battle pods
Time warp facilitator
Damper field
Inertial nullifier
Reinforced hull
Displacement device

The idea of this ship is to stay back, out of hittable range of any beam, and pick apart enemy ships piece by piece. It does not have the power to do any serious damage, but because it does not fire a beam it does not suffer range dissipation, misses, or a ship's beam defense. It is only viable to build this type of design on a doom star. Anything smaller would be a waste of time, money, and application. The most amounts of stellar converters you would be able to put on a doom star is 6 with full miniaturization to 200 spaces. But the time warp facilitator doubles this potential, making it a quite useful ship. Probably it’s most important function is to attack planets, but its battlefield versatility should not be neglected. Shields are hell for ion pulse cannons, so scs, along with plasma cannons, which I will explain later, should be used to disable them for the ipcs. An ipc ship could be used in tandem with a sc ship to help defend it, but can also serve as an apprentice, so to speak. The sc could shoot around, disabling shields, if they are remotely present, while the ipc ship eats away at the remaining shield less hulks. If the opponent is smart enough to not use shields, then the sc ship is only useful in tandem with a plasma cannon ship for the purpose of inflicting as much structural damage as possible.

Ion pulse cannons
High energy focus
Range master unit
Structural analyzer
Time warp facilitator
Damper field
Inertial nullifier
Reinforced hull
Displacement device

The idea of this ship is to provide medium range support for short ranged strike vessels. If the enemy uses damper fields they are toast. Sadly, this also implies to you. Shields are the most vital defense against these beasts. But remember, shields are ONLY good against ion pulse cannons, and nothing else. Chances are the enemy will have will have something that can pierce shields fighting along with their ipc ships. This also applies to you. The reason this ship does not posses battle pods is to make it more cost effective. Also, the tactical implication of a time warp facilitator doubles the attack power and movement of a ship, making it actually a more "advanced" battle pod system. If you would like to edit this by replacing the displacement device with battle pods, go right ahead. This also applies for all designs former to this.

Plasma cannons
High energy focus
Structural analyzer
Time warp facilitator
Damper field
Inertial nullifier
Reinforced hull
Reflection field
Subspace teleporter

This ship brings a little spice to the battle field. My father introduced a design like this to me, and I have edited it to my specifications and found it to be quite effective in the right hands. The idea is to bring speed and confrontation to the enemy. The plasma cannon is a very powerful weapon and should not be misunderstood. It’s 2x range dissipation requires it to be a close range fighting machine, but the subspace teleporter fills this niche quite well. This ship can easily outrun its medium range support (ipc ships), but you can prevent this by conducting sweeping movements. While the slow ipc ships parallel the target, the pc ships sweep around and flank the enemy position with their high speed and then disable key targets. These guys are sheer death to shields, so use them in tandem with ipcs and you will eliminate anything that tries to confront you.

Plasma torpedoes
Structural analyzer
Battle pods
Time warp facilitator
Damper field
Displacement device
Inertial nullifier
Reinforced hull
Reflection field

This ship is meant ideally for sitting back and tagging targets. Torpedoes cannot be shot at, so all you have to do is launch a volley at a prime target and wait. He will not be able to move in any direction other than backwards without being severely crippled and then systematically eliminated. You can also take it on the offensive by launching a volley, waiting, then moving forward in the second turn and launching a second. This accumulates the volleys and makes it even deadlier for its target.

Stasis field
Spatial compressors
Ion pulse cannons
High energy focus
Structural analyzer
Time warp facilitator
Damper field
Inertial nullifier
Reinforced hull
Reflection field

I personally enjoy this vessel. Imagine this. You try to take a turn in combat, when you realize that half of your fleet is incapacitated and the other half is either immobilized or missing. That my friend is the joy of the stasis field. Enough said.

Stasis field
Tractor beams x6
Assault shuttles (divide amongst separate racks)
Battle pods
Troop pods
Time warp facilitator
Damper field
Inertial nullifier
Reinforced hull
Subspace teleporter
Reflection field

As you can see, no opportunity is ever left behind. If you feel the need to increase the size of your fleet without paying for it, and give your opponent a taste of his own medicine, this is the perfect ship. Its main role is not offence at all, but the acquisition of the opponent's arsenal for your own dirty deeds. what you can do with it is quickly skirt up to your opponent, engage the assault shuttles at point plank range so as to not be shot down by point defense fire, then when every nook and cranny has been raided, board and assimilate the ship at your leisure. But please, don't use it moderately.

Plasma cannons
Ion pulse cannons
High energy focus
Range master unit
Structural analyzer
Time warp facilitator
Damper field
Inertial nullifier
Reinforced hull
Reflection field

This is obviously a hybrid between the pc and the ipc ships. It is its own medium range support, but can also handle the ferocity of close range attack. It is not as ridiculously fast as some other ships I have mentioned, but it does not have to be. It is a well-rounded fighter and can handle a slight trifle at both medium and short ranges. You should use these ships in hunting packs. They crawl around the battlefield searching for loose pockets in the enemy formation, then strike when the moment is right. They are also useful, however, as escort vessels for much longer ranged ships. They have their abilities, but they also have their faults. They should not be used to directly attack the opponent for they are too slow to engage extremely quickly. They are simply a compromise between medium ranged versatility and short ranged capability.

Here is the moment you have all been waiting for, the stealth ships.

Stellar converter
Achilles targeting unit
Structural analyzer
Battle pods
Time warp facilitator
Phasing cloak


Ion pulse cannon
Battle scanner
Range master unit
High energy focus
Structural analyzer
Battle pods
Phasing cloak
Time warp facilitator
Hyper-x capacitors

And to counter that

Anything with a reflection field


Any weapon
All general systems
No time warp facilitator
Phasing cloak

I will leave the tinkering to your imagination. I simply so not wish to give away my most kept secrets concerning the phasing cloak and how to counter it.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my spiel. If you wish to take some of these designs into consideration, feel free to do so. Bon appetite!

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Postby hyperios » Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:00 am

sorry citizens, i should've put this under strategies and tactics.

Joined:Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:10 am

Postby Buddenbrook » Wed Jul 18, 2007 7:14 pm

Minituarized phasor with Hv sp co af is the most powerful beam if you type ALT+Einstein or alternatively play a long long game. With the exception of death ray for marine combatants. This with original settings.

Stellar Converter takes so much space that it isn't all that really. You can only hit 2, max 3 ships. With phasors ATU and SA I have taken down fleets of doomstars and titans with 2-3 ships before they get to move.

It's a big mess really. First missile's are most powerful for some time, and beams don't do much, then assault shuttles become available at just 900rp and with enough of them and the right techs, there's little defense against them,if you have had a slower start. Then in the end it's all about who gets to move first and shoot down countless ships in one turn.

Personally, I had enough of the original settings 8-9 years ago. I haven't played a game with them since. Only modded games.

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Postby siron » Wed Jul 18, 2007 7:43 pm

Assault Shuttles are very rarely taken in our MP online games.

Most of us consider them too slow...
Maybe you can prove us wrong?

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Postby Buddenbrook » Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:27 pm

I won't argue with that. I haven't played non-modded since the last millenium. I don't know that much about it. I can recall that my tactic was creative (when it was 6 points) + democracy + scientific research and minuses to spying etc., hope I have a few good planets nearby and go for the cumulative research bonuses r. lab, super computer etc. picking a couple of spying techs along the way and eventually battle the stronger in number expansionist fleets with more advanced techs, but from test games, with 10 rpicks tolerant especially, I know it was far from perfect tactic.

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Postby marhawkman » Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:39 pm

Assault Shuttles are very rarely taken in our MP online games.

Most of us consider them too slow...
Maybe you can prove us wrong?
Pair them with subspace transporter.

It allows you to close to spitting distance in the blink of an eye, thus removing the trip time completely.

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Postby siron » Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:06 pm

Assault Shuttles are very rarely taken in our MP online games.

Most of us consider them too slow...
Maybe you can prove us wrong?
Pair them with subspace transporter.

It allows you to close to spitting distance in the blink of an eye, thus removing the trip time completely.
This could be a good counter design. Problem is that most MP online games are finished before you anywhere near Subspace Teleporters.

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