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Refresh Rates in XP-DOS

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 6:05 pm
by orimax
I know how to fix refresh rates under XP for both ATI and nVidia cards. But I have never heard about fixing XP-DOS refresh rates. Maybe you can help me? Coz running MOO2 in a DOSBox is too slow and 60 Hz don't appeal to me. Any progs I have downloaded don't work under XP-DOS emulation.

Re: Refresh Rates in XP-DOS

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:03 pm
by Lord Brazen
I know how to fix refresh rates under XP for both ATI and nVidia cards. But I have never heard about fixing XP-DOS refresh rates.
This should work with a VBE 3.0 enabled video card (Very few of them out there. Most are VBE 2.0 only).

In order to use it, you will need to add it to the autoexec.nt (or autoexec2.nt) file so that it loads in the same instance of ntvdm as Moo2 is running in.

I've heard some players getting this to work. I dont have a VBE 3.0 video card to confirm.

Other than that, you may consider using Virtual PC or VMware. The game generally runs faster and smoother than it does in DOSbox and the refresh rate is the same as window.

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 1:46 pm
I use a "GeForce 3 ti" and it works well.

I load game via a Batch-File.

Code: Select all

cd\ cd vbehz222 cd vbehz222 VBEHZ.COM cd\ cd kali ii kalint cd\ cd moo2engl orion2v140.exe /nobh /nosplint /planets=4 /minstart /noreport