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Can't get MOO2 command line switches to work in DOSBOX 7.0

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 7:23 pm
by spoidz
Hello all,

I have MOO2 running fine through dosbox with 1.4v23 but I can't seem to get the command line switches to take effect.

I added the switches to the orion2v140.exe command line parameters using XP properties window.

They don't seem to have any effect. They work fine using a desktop shortcut outside of DOSbox but I haven't gotten a pure XP install to work graphically yet.

I'm fine with dosbox, just would like the switches as well.

Any help please, and feel free to point out the obvious if its simple mistake.


EDIT: Well for anyone that needs it, I played and figured it out.

Using the autoexec area of the dosbox config file I just added the switches to the command line inside the config.

I also setup a pseudo menu from reading another posting I found

text below:

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.

@echo off

mount d d:\dosgames

choice /c:21 /n "Orion-1 XCOM-2 "

if errorlevel 2 goto orion
if errorlevel 1 goto xcom

orion14.exe /skipintro /nowh /nobh /richstart /hugestart /planets=5 /picks=14 /nonebula
goto end

goto end
