Modding base races

Information, How-to's, and discussion about mod'ing Master of Orion II.
Joined:Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:25 pm
Modding base races

Postby UnLimITeD » Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:58 pm

So, after a painfully expensive expedition into moo3 land, which I'll regreat for the better part of the year for being that stupid, I'm back at moo 2.
With the crappy AI, but MP is just no option for me.

So, I've been using the VDC mod, which isn't easy to set up with the GoG version but worth the effort, and I'd like to change the race picks, because they are obviously set up for Multiplayer.

First of: Is it possible to actually change the picks, or only the costs and what the default races have? Not the pure numbers, but, say, would it be possible to change Tolerant to only be -75% pollution effect instead of immunity? Don't think so, though.

Now, to the main question:

How do I change the number of picks?
I've gotten a bit familiar with the rest by now, but how much can be chosen I can't find out.
Like when I set up the Exe for the VDC the wrong way and ended up with the new choice pricing, but may 10 negative picks, making Feudal unavailable.
Loves spending money on stuff he's knows aren't worth it, but only fully realizes it minutes after.

Joined:Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:44 pm

Postby icelevistus » Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:51 pm

To change the race picks you'll have to get familiar with this tool:


If you're having trouble with it, I've taken the liberty of changing the race picks back to something a little more familiar to vanilla MOO2 players (while still keeping with VDC's point system):


If you copy-paste that into your game directory (backup your old RACESTUF.LBX first!!!), you should be able to fire up and play with the classic nerd-psilons and money-grubbing-gnolams.

I'm not sure if the GOG version will give you problems. Good luck!

Joined:Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:44 pm

Postby icelevistus » Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:11 pm

Or here's an alternate one by Overlord2 (I think?). Haven't tested it out, but I saw it referenced here:


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